
Class A Uniform

Class A uniforms are worn to Pack Meetings, Den Meetings, and most Pack outings.

Lion Field Uniform: Lion t-shirt, rank neckerchief, slide, blue belt and hat (optional)

Tiger, Wolf, and Bear Field Uniform: Blue uniform shirt, rank neckerchief, slide, blue belt, and hat (optional)

Webelos and Arrow of Light (AOL) Field Uniform: Tan uniform shirt, plaid neckerchief, slide, green belt, hat (optional)

Class B Uniform

Class B uniforms can be worn at den meetings and some pack outings as well as camp (ex. rank specific t-shirt, Pack t-shirt, or BSA event t-shirt)

Current Pack 220 t-shirts, pictured below, are for sale September-March of each year and can be ordered in person or online (via e-mail).